Looking for answers? Start asking questions.
Book Review: 344 Questions
This little book is full of poignant and powerful questions, presented in an interactive way, served with a healthy dose of wit and sarcasm. 344 Questions is a compilation of questions that make you look critically at yourself. It’s puts you on the spot. This book would be terrifying as a game show, but when it’s just you and one of more than 30 successful creative people going toe-to-toe, it feels intimate. The questions, aided by a beautiful comic-like design, are asked with a bit of humour; reminding you that insight does not come at the cost of crushing your self-esteem.
There are some amazing contributors in this book, such as famed producer and writer Judd Apatow, comedian Patton Oswalt, The Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne, and many more designers, artists, journalists and other creatives. A typical line of questions looks like:
What resources are you not taking advantage of?
Who are your heroes?
What do you admire about them?
Do they know that they’re on you list?
Does it help you to have heroes?
Does it help you to have enemies?
This book shares a lot of similarities with coaching - the idea that all the answers reside within you. You are the expert, no one can answer any of these questions for you. However, sometimes we need to be asked the right questions to help us make the right realizations. That’s what coaching can do for you, but this book is also a fun place to start!
Get this book on Amazon here.
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