The Secret of Happiness: 5 Ways You Can Transform Your Life by Helping Others
when you’re stuck with what to do in your life, start by doing something for others.
In the busy rush of daily life, we often get so caught up in going after what we think we want that we forget about one of the main reasons we are here on this planet – to help others and make the world a better place. We have a huge opportunity to change someone else’s life for the better by making space for them and giving some of our time and energy. However, by doing this, you can also improve your life as well. Here are 5 simple ways that helping others can help you transform your own life today.
1. Builds Gratitude: Nothing will shift your perspective faster than helping someone who desperately needs a hand up in life. When you see another person’s challenges firsthand, your problems will most likely seem minute in comparison and immediately makes you realize how blessed you truly are. For example, living in a cramped house or eating leftovers doesn’t seem so bad when you look through the eyes of a homeless person who hasn’t had a good meal in days. Not being able to take that vacation you’d planned on doesn’t seem like such a letdown when you realize there is a single mom struggling to feed her kids. Helping someone else can quickly put life into perspective and give you fresh outlook on your own life.
2. Boosts Self-Esteem: When you lend a helping hand and see the impact you can have on someone else’s life, it gives you a confidence boost you won’t get anywhere else. You begin to see that you have value and purpose in the world – something you may have struggled to see before. You start to create a more positive relationship with yourself because you clearly see the benefit you’re providing, and it just FEELS good. Knowing that you are making someone’s life a little easier also helps to restore your faith in your own abilities as well as all of mankind. One person really can make a difference.
3. Connection: Helping others can begin to fill a void that has been lost in a world full of technology and social media overload. Humans are social creatures by nature, and we need each other to feel connected and part of something bigger than ourselves. Whether you are helping someone one on one or supporting a cause that is impacting a larger issue, you begin to feel much more connected to the human race and the world as a whole. Being of service to others allows you to form a strong bond with people from all walks of life and create relationships that will stand the test of time.
4. Reduces Stress: Let’s face it: The state of the world these days is enough to put anyone into a downward spiral of stress and anxiety. It’s easy to feel helpless when it comes to solving the major problems that continue to burden our planet. However, reaching out a hand to help someone in need can take some of the weight off your shoulders and reduce the stress that comes from doing nothing at all. When you place your focus on making someone else’s situation better, it’s much easier to put the rest of the world’s problems on the backburner and all the stress that goes with it.
5. More Positivity: It’s easy to let negativity seep in when you look around and see so much doom and gloom in the world. However, when you make an effort to help someone else, it pushes those negative thoughts and feelings to the side and allows you to focus more on the good. Knowing that you are making an impact in someone’s life is the ultimate mood booster and can really flip the switch on your attitude and outlook. The more positive energy you put out in the world, the more you get back. It’s a win win.
Whether you pay it forward in the drive thru, offer your smile to a stranger on the street or volunteer at a local food bank, you are transforming your own life as you try to help others do the same.
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